Filigree Sleep Experts

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So far Filigree Sleep Experts has created 23 blog entries.

February 2019

How Weather Affects Sleep


How does warmer weather affect your sleep? The Washington Post recently covered our latest survey on summer stress, including our finding that warmer weather can affect sleep with “80% saying they sleep better in cool weather.” It turns out, this statistic has more to do with science than personal preference. As a Stanford Biology professor told [...]

How Weather Affects Sleep2019-02-05T05:44:43+00:00

Us V Competition


Showroom for 10,000 nights Ever wonder why mattresses lose their “showroom” feel after a few months? It is because conventional mattress companies only focus on two areas: Contact and support to win you over in the 5 minutes you “test” it out in the showroom. We know customer satisfaction goes well beyond the [...]

Us V Competition2019-02-05T05:48:16+00:00

January 2019

Self-Adjusting Latex Cores


Self-Adjusting Latex Cores When people refer to Firm of the mattress, they are really inquiring about how much force is required to engage the support within. With conventional mattresses, layers are stacked upon each other and held together with glue or some other sort of adhesive. The problem with this is that in order [...]

Self-Adjusting Latex Cores2019-02-05T05:48:57+00:00



A Mattress That Aligns With Your Needs I don’t think there is a mattress out there that isn’t soft, but how can you know which one will give you a restful, recovering sleep for days, months, even years down the road? One thing we do here at Filigree is make sure that every [...]


October 2018

Choosing a Mattress


Choosing a Bed Size Since the dawn of mankind there have been conflicts that may never be resolved; war, famine, and the eternal struggle to maintain a fair blanket ratio between two sleepers. The former two are a little out of our area of expertise here at Happy Beds, but the latter is [...]

Choosing a Mattress2019-02-05T05:45:15+00:00

August 2018

Denser than the best pound cake


Denser than the best pound cake The overarching goal of every mattress is to provide you, the consumer with a quality sleep. These great sleeps should last you a long time, but with how many mattresses are mate today, you will be lucky if you get over a year or two without sagging or [...]

Denser than the best pound cake2019-02-05T05:34:09+00:00

July 2018

Historically Supreme


Historically Supreme After 10 years of sleeping on a coil mattress, it is generally recommended to get a new one. The springs will have worn out and all the moisture build up over the years might have made the bottom of the mattress a home for bacteria or even mold. Not good for getting [...]

Historically Supreme2019-02-05T05:40:57+00:00

June 2018

A Hearty Sleep


Sleep & Heart Health Show your heart some love – put it to bed If your favorite saying is “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” pay attention. Sleep boosts memory and mood, keeps your weight in check, fortifies your immune system, reduces inflammation and keeps your blood vessels, heart and other organs lean and [...]

A Hearty Sleep2019-02-05T05:44:18+00:00

May 2018

Durability you can count on


Durability you can count on Duration in mattress terms is determined by how well your mattress can hold proper alignment over prolonged periods of time. This is very important because when your mattress gives out, your spine becomes unaligned – leading to your body having to re-position or even worse, creating strain on muscles [...]

Durability you can count on2019-02-05T05:46:33+00:00

April 2018

Mattress hardness


Mattress hardness When selecting a new mattress, many consumers want to know how hard or firm the mattress is. This hardness refers to the output resistance a mattress provides when force (usually by weight), is applied to the surface – and this goes hand in hand with how dense a mattress is. This is [...]

Mattress hardness2019-02-05T05:34:27+00:00