Self-Adjusting Latex Cores

When people refer to Firm of the mattress, they are really inquiring about how much force is required to engage the support within. With conventional mattresses, layers are stacked upon each other and held together with glue or some other sort of adhesive. The problem with this is that in order for the lower layers to engage, the weight threshold must be exceeded. Unfortunately, the adhesive between often increases threshold levels leading to insufficient support for sleepers solely because of weight. We believe you should not be concerned about how much you weigh, because your mattress should support you no matter what your size! We put in 1 million hours to produce four lines of 100% all-natural latex mattress that feature our patented progressive compression core catering to any size!

Generally, the more material used, the firmer the mattress will be. However, this is not the case with our multi-foundational sleep system! This sleep system creates seamless latex comfort layers within the core, allowing for gradual, uniform compression and support that adjusts to you! Latex’s qualities of spinal alignment and resiliency give every filigree mattress the ability to properly align your spine and return to normal after consistent use opposed to sagging!

Conventional mattress testing is based on a 5’7, 130lbs sleeper and mattresses will begin to degrade after one year. Though this degradation process will be sooner based on quality or size of your body. This is why we tested our mattresses with a 5’6, 250lbs sleeper. Meaning that our cores adjust to your specific weight. Whether you are 50lbs all the way up to 350lbs, you can sleep soundly knowing that your body is properly supported every single time.